Ruby Ambrotype
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HBH 12
"Ruth Ann Catlin, Died,
Dec 1st 1863
Age 13 years 16 days
In remembrance of your niece and cousin!"
"I got this wet
when I cam home
with my handker-
chief, Amanda
pout it am you
can put it an a pees
of clean paper L. R."
The second note probably means to say:
"I got this wet
when I came home
with my handkerchief. Amanda (Ruth's sister) put it on.
can put it on a piece
of clean paper L. R."
Ruth Ann Catlin
Her parents were Charles C. Catlin and Emily Rand.
They lived in Ticonderoga, Essex, New York, USA.
They had 7 children:
1. Ashel C. Catlin (1838-1897)
2. Louisa Catlin (1839-1863)
3. Amanda M. Catlin (1841-1909)
4. Jane A. Catlin (?)
5. Martha P. Catlin (1847-1926)
6. Ruth Ann Catlin (1850-1863)
Orpha Jane Catlin (1854-1899)
In 1860 Ruth's grandpa passed away. In 1863, Ruth (13) and Louisa (24) passed away.
In 1865 her father died and in 1869, her mother. Ashel was 31 at the time,
and the youngest child was 15.
In the photo, made around 1862, we see Ruth (12) and probably her sister Orpha (8).
Her sister Amanda (21) is mentioned in the note.
"L. R." could be a relation on her mother's side,
whose last name was Rand.