Fan shaped Sorrento olivewood frame for carte de visite.
These exist with 5 or 7 arms that fold together like a fan.
They are held by a base with a front plate that features two
swallows and the word "Ricordo", Italian for "memories".
Taken by W. S. Spanton, 16 Abbey Gate Street, Bury St Edmunds (UK)
Taken by Fred Dakuig, The Gaxton Studio, 112 Bramford Road, Ipswich (UK)
Taken by W. S. Spanton, 16 Abbey Gate Street, Bury St Edmunds (UK)
Taken by W. S. Spanton, 16 Abbey Gate Street, Bury St Edmunds (UK)
Taken by W. S. Spanton, 16 Abbey Gate Street, Bury St Edmunds (UK)