Taken by M. Cohen, Diezerstraat Zwolle, Groenstraat Kampen (Netherlands)
"Arnolda Wolterson, gehuwd met W. G. Top, broeder van E. J. W. Top"
(Arnolda Wolterson, married to W. G. Top, brother of E. J. W. Top)
Arnolda Wolterson (1818-1887) married Willem Gerhardus Top (1821-1899)
If the photo was made between 1865-1870, Willem would be 44-49 years old here.
Willem's brother, Egbert Jan Willem Top, is also mentioned on the photo.
Arnolda was the 3rd daughter to go by that name. The first was born in 1807, the 2nd
in 1812, but she died in 1814. Arnolda was born in 1818, and thus she became the
"second" Arnolda in the family, which would explain the "2" behind her name on the CDV.
Arnolda married into the Top family, together with 3 of her siblings. Her sister Martha
married Gerardus Top. Her sister Wolterdina married Gerardus' brother Lambert.
Lambert had, from an earlier marriage, a son Willem and a daughter Wijnanda.
Arnolda married Willem, and her brother Wolter married Wijnanda.
Arnolda herself had 5 children with Willem, but only one of them, a son, made it
into adulthood. The son had 2 children himself, but they too died as infants.
Taken by Schorteldoek, Langendijk, Gorinchem (Netherlands)
"Riekje Stoelendrajer, vrouw van Piet Romeijn"
Hendrika Maria Catharina Stoelendrajer, married Pieter Romeijn.
He was the director of a school. They didn't have children.
Taken by De Lavieter & Co, La Haye (Netherlands)
"Maria Jacoba Johanna van Halteren, geb 14-2-75
Jacob Jan van Halteren, geb 13-4-76,
gemaakt Feburary 1878"
Jacob was Lord of Yrijenes and Sluipwijk.
There was a 3rd sibling called Pauline Theodore van Halteren, born in 1881.
Unknown photographer.
"Fanny Jane Stedman, 1866"
"Mr Stedman, White House, 1866"
Fanny's parents were
Stephen Ashton Stedman (1820-1882) and Jane Stanford (1821-1887).
Stephen was a painter like his father, then a schoolmaster. They had 6 children:
1. Sarah Stedman (1845)
2. Fanny Stedman (1848)
3. Frederick William Stedman (1853-1935, 82)
4. Berti Stedman (1855)
5. Ellen Mary Stedman (1856-1876, 20)
6. Phillis Stedman (1862)
Fanny was born in Amersham, Buckinghamshire. She died before 1881.
She was 18 in the photograph.
There's a Samuel Root Stedman (1802-1885) who stayed at the "White House" in America.
(The White House being a place where soldiers went after the war)
Taken by A. Adams, 26 Broad St, Aberdeen (Scotland)
1. "Aunt Polly"
2. Possibly Mabel and her mother Elizabeth
3. "Mabel Alberta Markland Twiss"
Mabel Alberta Markland Rawson was the daughter of Samuel Rawson and Elizabeth Dougall.
Samuel was a Captain in the Royal Navy. He and Elizabeth, married in 1850, had 5 children:
Samuel (1853) Edith (1855) Elizabeth (1857) Gilbert Ingrow (1858-1891, firefighter) and Mabel (1864)
Mabel married
Henry Charles Twiss in 1896. They had 1 daughter: Mabel Henrietta Maria Elizabeth (1896)
The photos must've been made around 1864.
Taken by Le Roy Parkinson, Cambria, Wisconsin (USA)
"Nellie Jones to Catharine Evans, and send me your picture if you please"
Taken by Shaw's Art Studio 174, 5 Halsted St, Chicago (USA)
"Robert Richard"
Taken by J. Weston & Son, 20A Sandgate Road, Folkestone (UK)
"Cecil Fitzroy 1875"
Taken by G. F. Roger, 57 & 59 Nethergate, Dundee (Scotland)
"Mrs Tyler, 81 Upper Kennington Lane, Kennington"
Her husband was a music teacher. She's posing by a music stand.
Taken by J. Tourtin, Createur du portrait Rembrandt-Carte,
Rue Louis le Grand 32, Paris (France)
"Louise Boissonade 1873"
Taken by Willem Bongenaar, 16 Apothekersdijk, Leiden, Hoogewoerd, Woerden (Netherlands)
"Oma Johanna Sentuur-Doornebal"
Taken by J. van Crewel Jeune, 44 Rue du Pelican, Anvers (Belgium)
"Bonne mamam van Coppenolle
Mere de Bon Papa Henri v. Coppenolle"
Taken by E. Swift & Son, 126 Bold Street, Liverpool (UK)
"Mr Robert Spencer"
Taken by Cleer S. Alger, Diss (UK)
"Mr Frere, The Rectory, Horham Eye, Suffolk"
Edward Hanbury Frere
Taken by The London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company, Regent Street, Cheapside (UK)
"J. M. Owen, Carnarvon"
John Morris Owen
Taken by Pentney, 6 South Parade, Huddersfield (UK)
"Muriel - 5 - 29th 1902
Phillipa - 3 - 26th 1902"
Taken by Benedetti & Son, Peckham Rye Railway Station, 39 High Road (UK)
"A Merry Xmas, Leslie H. Lewis, 9 months old"
Potters Road, New Barnet (UK)
Stanley Payne age 2 years and 3 months
Doris Edna Payne age nearly 7 months
Taken July 7th 1902
Taken by A. J. Hilder, Plaistow (UK)
"Margaret Cook + Charles William Cook"
Taken by A. Hancock, Gainsborough (UK)
"Grace Matilda Freeman, born 14th Dec 1892, Gainsboro"
Grace married William Henry Harting and moved to New Zealand in 1919.
Unknown photographer.
"Mrs. Plumb, 28 Dumbreck Road, Well Hall, Etham, London.
I have just come to see how you are getting on. Hope to see you in reality soon."
Taken by Pithie, Mill Street, Alloa (Scotland)
"Charlotte H. Beuson"
Her parents were John W. and Mary Beuson. They lived in Dublin in 1901.
Taken by C. J. L. Vermeulen, Den Haag, Amsterdam and Utrecht (Netherlands)
"Truus Rosendaal, dochter van vd Have"
Taken by J. J. van Melle, Bergen op Zoom, Roosendaal (Netherlands)
"Marie Tholenaar"
Taken by J. H. Austermuhle, Bolsward (Netherlands)
"Ynze Burghgraef"
Ynze Burghgraef was born in Friesland in 1883 and later moved to Utrecht.
He married in 1909, got divorced in 1913 and remarried in 1915.
2 of his siblings were born in Bolsward.
Taken by G. Schroeder, 54 Grafton St, Dublin (Ireland)
"Henry and James Sheppard, Oct 1878"
Taken by S. Vanderburgt, Erquelinnes (Belgium)
"Valentine Stuart"
Taken by Ferd. Kuss, Wien (Austria)
"Gustav-Franz Rutt, 1864"
Taken by Ernest Pogorelz, Laibach (Slovenia)
"Marie Sheschigg, 11 August 1864"
Taken by Richard Brown, 35 Bold St and 210 Smithdown Rd, Liverpool (UK)
"The Four Generations. The "Croftling" just 4,5 weeks old. 27-7-98"
Taken by W. Ganter, Jonker Fransstraat 120, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
"Familie ... met Bep als baby"
(Family ... with Bep as baby"
Taken by Ivanova, St Petersburg (Russia)
"Cousine Lenie Ruthie, viva a la revolution, d'octobre 1916"
Taken by J. W. Ochs, St. Johan 35, Basel (Switzerland)
Reinhard aus Wien, mein bestes Jugend Freund, Beruf Buchdrucker
Copies of CDV. Originals by J. Ganz, Zurich (Switzerland) "Grosstante Maria Bertha Lavater, geb Wild, geb 29-10-1836 gest 3-10-1923. Urgrossmutter Anna Barbara Wild, geb Blenler. wohnhaft geroesen Rindermarkt Zurich" |
Taken by A. Stiegler, Fotograf und Maler im Konigsbad bei Hermagor (Austria)
Agnes (...) meine Schwester, in Gailtaler Tracht, 18 Jahrig
Taken by N. Schuitvlot Mz, Paleisstraat bij den Dam 5, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
"Grootmoeder A. A. H. v/d Weyden, Anna Hylkema v/d Weyden"
Anna Antonia Helena Weijden (born 1840) married Jacob Stenvers.
Their daughter Anna Antonia Helena Stenvers (1873-1945) married Meine Meines Hylkema
Taken by Barnsbury Hall Studio, Sydney St George, Barnsbury St, Islington (UK)
"W. E. G. Satchell, teacher class VII, St Mary's Sunday School Islington"