

Taken by F. Hisgen, P. C. Hooftstraat 72, Nieuwendyk 229, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


Unknown photographer.


Taken by J. Tourtin Aine, 32 Rue Louis le Grand, Paris (France)
Alphonse Emile Alfred Dieudonne (1834-1922) as the Marquis of Montavon in The Nabob.


Taken by F. Tellgmann, Eschwege, Hersfeld, Bad Sooden, Wanfried (Germany)
5 women, 2 with pince nez glasses, 2 with lorgnettes.


Taken by The Studio, F. Brauer, Hightown, Middlewich (UK)


Taken by C. L. Longley, Salford, Lockwood, Huddersfield (UK)


Taken by Maull & Co, London (UK)
"Elizabeth Day, nee Collyns, 1788" Elizabeth Day (1788-1870)
-family tree-


Taken by Thomas Lewis, 200 Stratford Rd, Birmingham
The Messenger Studio, High St, Bromsgrove (UK)


Taken by Charles A. Welch, 226 Longfleet, Poole (UK)


Taken by A. H. Taylor (UK)


Taken by A & G Taylor, London (UK)
"Gertie Annsell"
(family tree)


Taken by R. Brown, 8 West High Street, Inverurie (Scotland)


Unknown photographer.
"Anna Sophia in rouw wegens de dood van haar vader"
(Anna Sophia in mourning after the death of her father)


Taken by E. Goodfellow, High Street, Wincanton, Somerset (UK)
(family tree)


Taken by W. Savage, The Wokeham Studio, 58 High Street, Winchester (UK)
"Manners Makyth Man"


Taken by J. W. Beilby, 115 the Parade, Leamington Spa (UK)
(family tree)


Taken by G. Hadley, 36 Castle Hill, Lincoln (UK)


Unknown photographer.


Taken by G. Kegel, Kolnische Strasse 302, Cassel (France)


Taken by A. J. Mackenzie, Birnam (UK)
"Nurse Carne & J. R. J. B."


Taken by Houghton, Margate (UK)


Taken by L. R. Werner, H150 Nieuwendijk, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


Taken by Julius Hahn, Neuerwall 46, Hamburg (Germany)


Unknown photographer.
"24/11 1883"


Taken by J. Baer, Diergaardelaan 44, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


Taken by Le Rue Lemer, 206 Market St, Harrisburg PA (USA)


Taken by Alphons Adolph, Kl. Exercir-Platz, Passau (Germany)


Taken by Charles van Boghout, Kammen Straat 65, Antwerpen (Belgium)


Taken by P. Weijnen, 's Bosch (Netherlands)


Unknown photographer.
The woman is holding a pair of glasses.


Taken by J. Dupont, Place de Meir 32, Anvers (Belgium)
Maison fondee en 1853


Taken by J. Rundensteiner, Parkstrasse 33, Budweis (Czech)


Taken by Aug. Despret, Rue Neuve 22, Bruxelles (Belgium)


Taken by Albert Lehmann, Pasing-Munchen (Germany)


Taken by H. J. de Koe, Willemskade Zuidzijde W 1, Leeuwarden (Netherlands)


Taken by Fabronius, Rue Neuve 11, Bruxelles (Belgium)
Neef en nicht Orie (cousin and niece Orie)


Unknown photographer.


Unknown photographer.


Taken by D. Rundquist, Kosta (Sweden)


Taken by Alexander Bassano, 25 Old Bond Street, London (UK)
Prof. Henry Fawcett (1833-1884) was a blind British academic, statesman and economist.


Unknown photographer.
"M. E. A. W. Mohr, 1925, met de Lingestroom in 1920 naar Holland gekomen.
Directeur Electr. Centrale te Petersburg. Voorzitter Nedl club te St Petersburg."

(M. E. A. W. Mohr, 1925, came to Holland on the Lingestroom (ship) in 1920.
Director Electrical Company in Petersburg. Chairman of the Dutch club in St Petersburg.)


Moritz Mohr (1877-1956) moved to Russia when he was 21. He married the Russian Bertha Ulmann (1878-1961)
Moritz was director of the Electricity company and chairman of a Dutch association. They had 3 children: Edik, Oscar, and
a daughter. After the revolution times were hard, and the Dutch government offered a one time only trip back to the Netherlands
for any Dutch citizens staying in Russia. In May 1920 the family returned on the Lingestroom. 103 people came back, 50 remained in Russia.
"Only those who've been far away and in distress can understand what this Dutch boat, this Dutch flag and the word "homeland" mean to us".
Moritz said at a reading for the Red Cross. Moritz and Bertha were invited to the Royal Palace (Het Loo) to visite Queen Wilhelmina.

Their son Oscar Mohr (1907-1952) became a journalist and a resistance fighter. He wrote for The Times and The New York Times.
He was arrested in 1942 and in the camps he wrote poems with other inmates. He served as interpreter for the Russian captives.
He was liberated in 1945. He moved with his wife and 4 children to Jakarta in 1949 to work there. His wife Daisy had been born
in Indonesia. 3 years later, a month before moving back to the Netherlands, he suddenly passed away.


Unknown photographer.
"Tel 15254, H. J. Hart,
vergunningen voor...
Nieuwe aalbessen"
Possibly the shop owner, H. J. Hart, posing before his shop.
The shadow of the photographer is visible on the ground.


Taken by Francois, Rue Christine 61, Ostende (Belgium)


"X. studio"



