

Taken by Hans Schaffganz, vormals Atelier Straus, Remigiusstr. 5, Bonn (Germany)


Taken by F. Piron, 81 Place de Meir, Anvers (Belgium)


Taken by J. Dwinger, Leeuwarden (Netherlands)
Child on a large rocking horse with a seat behind it, filled with dolls and a teddy bear.


Taken by Mrs Williams, Talbot Place, Darlington Street, Wolverhampton (UK)
"Artie" (short for Arthur)


Taken by W. Tinker, Haarlem (Netherlands)
"W. Tinker 16-8-1816 - 1894"


Unknown photographer.
"Huis op de Brouwersgracht (Amsterdam). Van achter naar voren: tante Mien, oom Bep, oom Lou op hobbelpaard, oom Jan op de arm"
(House at the Brouwersgracht. From the back to the front: aunt Mien, uncle Bep, uncle Lou on the rockinghorse, uncle Jan in her arms)


Taken by John Hart, 179 & 181 City Road, 15 Market Place, London (UK)


Taken by G. Schmid, Urach, Munsingen, Laichingen (Germany)


Unknown photographer.


Unknown photographer.


Taken by D. Drutel, 8 Rue Ponsard, Vienne (France)
"Paul Robert"


Taken by Maujean & Leopold Dubois, 30 Rue du Faubourg St Honore, 35 Rue de Boissy d'Anglas, Paris (France)



Taken by M. H. Ladde, Nieuwendijk 57-59, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


Unknown photographer.


Taken by Palmer Clarke, Post Office, Terrace, Cambridge (UK)
This studio opened in 1895. "Lucas & Co Builders" on the box of toy blocks.


Taken by Joh. Niclou, Konig-Strasse 3 & 5, Chemnitz (Germany)
"An Pate Auguste"


Taken by The Art Portrait Company, Charles Street, Cardiff (UK)


Taken by de Jong.


Taken by Jean Baptiste Feilner, Oldenburg (Germany)


Adolphe Zimmermans, de Riemerstraat 21, La Haye (Den Haag, Netherlands)
(Family Tree)


Taken by Adr. Boer, Baarn (Netherlands)


Taken by L. O. Grienwaldt, Wall 86, Bremen (Germany)
"April 1901"


Taken by Th. A. v Delft, Waalwijk (Netherlands)
"3 jaar" / "Oct 1892, Sypram Orie, ruim 2,5 jaar"


Taken by Photographie du Sud, Boulevard du Sud, Anvers (Belgium)
front: Pierre J. Rue du Bastion 2.


Taken by Berta Hallgren, Mora (Sweden)


Taken by G. Hubers, Nieuwstraat 62a, Hengelo (Netherlands)
Two kids with a doll, a fluffy dog, a horse on wheels, and a cart filled with hay.


Taken by Deleidernier, a Mondorff-les-Bains
Mondorff with double f is in France
Mondorf-les-Bains with one f is in Luxembourg
Horse in the right bottom corner.



