Taken by Mandelkern, 45 Canal St, New York (USA)
Taken by E. Mamour, Rue Colbert 36, Rue Voltaire 23, Tours (France)
Taken by Carl Bellach, Gellertstrasse 12 + 14, Leipzig (Germany)
"Fredl, Leipzig Dez 1905"
Taken by J. J. Quist, Goes & Zierikzee (Netherlands)
Taken by Richard Kasbaum, Friedrich St 125, Berlin (Germany)
"Humoristische blatt" (humoristic paper) 1892-93, Berlin, A. Braun & Co, Friedrich St.
Since the photographer is operating in the same street, he might've bought the paper there.
Taken by Heinrich Eilender, Komodienstr 7, Koln (Germany)
Book with images of animals (dog/cat) and a small toy cat in the bottom right corner.
Taken by John Edwards, 1 Park Side, Hyde Park Corner (London, UK)
Taken by Arthur Langton, 35 Buckingham Palace Rd, Belgravia (UK)
"12.000 candle power electric arc lamp." and "fancy dress balls attended"
"my electric light installation is perhaps the most powerful in London"
"caution, several photographers in London advertise that they take 'portraits by
electric light' and yet have no electric installation. In place thereof -owing to its costliness-
they use a cheap and nasty substitute which produces most inferior photographs"
Taken by A&G Taylor (UK)
Unknown photographer.
Both women are holding the same German newspaper with a skull.
One of the women is also holding a cabinet photo of a man.
Taken by Williams & Williams (UK)
Taken by Gustave Hotz, Bruxelles (Belgium)
Taken by Liebeskind-Becker & Co, Chaussee de Mons 66, Bruxelles (Belgium)
Taken by A. v. Beurden, Tilburg (Netherlands)