Unknown photographer.
Irkutsk (Russia)
Woman with cat, boy with rocking horse.
Taken by Salm & Co., Kampen (Netherlands)
Unknown photographer.
Unknown photographer.
Unknown photographer.
Young girl with a cat on a chair.
Taken by Brainich & Leusink, Menthenstraat 10, Arnhem (Netherlands)
Taken by J. Cox, 4 Radnor Street, Bradford (UK)
Unknown photographer.
Unknown photographer.
Woman with a sheep.
Unknown photographer.
"Colwyn" (Wales)
Taken by H. Feyen, Westdorpe (Netherlands)
Little girl with a chained sheep.
Taken by Wood, 100 Hartley road, Nottingham (UK)
Woman posing with a sheep.
Unknown photographer, possibly Dutch.
Little boy on clogs with a calf.
Unknown photographer.
Woman with 2 cows.
Unknown photographer.
Little girl with goat.
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