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Dutch series of 15 photos, showing a family outdoors,
and the boy scouts.
"Kinderportretten van Corrie + familie" (Portraits of Corrie as a child + family)
In one photo a camera bag can be seen. It looks like a Brownie camera bag.
In another picture, everyone
is holding a fern leaf.
The "boy scouts" are putting up their tents, washing their towels and shaving.
In one image, 3 boys have their feet wrapped up in bandages: from blisters or
a twisted ankle? One boy has a bandage on his forehead, probably as a joke.
There's another joker placing a bottle of milk on the head of the boy in front of him.
Another funny guy turned his back to the camera as the picture was made.
One of the images has a sign that reads "niet rooken in het bosch" (no smoking
in the forest)
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