

Taken by Mee Cheung, Kulang Su (Gulangyu island), Amoy (Xiamen, China)
Opium/water pipe on the table.


1. Taken by Hawke, 8 George Street, Plymouth (UK)
2. Taken by D. Satow, 469 Nanking Road, Shanghai (China) "HMS Plover"
3. Taken by Yong Seng, 60 Queen's Road East, Hongkong (China)
Propeller badge with star on his shoulder: 1st class stoker.

3 photos of a Royal Navy sailor on the HMS Plover, promoted to first class stoker.


Unknown photographer.


"Ifon, Western State, Nigeria 1919, Ondo"


These are probably made by Jean Geiser in Algeria.
On the bottom right is a photo made by Jean Geiser around 1880, it's in the possession
of his great-granddaughter Martine Geiser Fabry. On the left is the same man, wearing the
same clothes, posing by the same basket and bottles. It's more faded and digitally restored.


Unknown photographer.


Taken by Jean Geiser, Rue Bab-Azoun 7, entree escalier de Chartres au 1er, Alger (Algeria)


Taken by Arnold Vollenweider, 4 Rue du Divan, Alger (Algeria)


Taken by Vidal, 16 Rue de la Revolution, Oran (Algeria)


Taken by L. Cairol, Oran (Algeria)


Taken by L. Cairol, Oran (Algeria)
"Auguste Pratz"


Taken by Menard et Blain, 13 Rue d'Isly, Alger (Algeria)
"Alice Gras, Juillet 1903"


Taken by J. Garrigues, 15-30 May Vichy (France), rest of the year Tunis (Tunisia)
J. Andre Garrigues was a French photographer active in Tunisia.


Taken by G. Krikorian, Jerusalem (Israƫl)
"Errinerung an ... Pater Schmidt


Taken by Charles Lawrence, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch (New Zealand)


Taken by Standish and Preece, High Street, Christchurch (New Zealand)
Frank Standish and Alfred Preece worked together from about 1887-1890
but the studio and it's name continued after this date.


Taken by Insulinde, Soerabaia (Indonesia)


Taken by E. Johannes, Java (Indonesia)
"Voor Cornelis en Anna"
Hidden mother behind the chair.


Taken by Herrmann & Co, Batavia, Oost Indie (Jakarta, Indonesia)


Taken by A. Sache, Dalhousie (India)


Taken by R. Molkenteller & Co, India


Taken by Charles G Brown, Bangalore (India)


Taken by G. W. Lawrie & Co, Lucknow, Nainital, Mussoorie & Allahabad (India)


Taken by Enrique Morgan, Quito (Ecuador)
Active as a photographer in 1878-1890.


Taken by de Samuel Boote Y van Gorder, 134 Calle Florida, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
"The Rev. John Cox-Edwards, chaplain of the fleet (His daughter Blossom was my godmother)"


Taken by Garreaud y Leblanc, Calle Huerfanos, Santiago, Cruz de Reyes, Valparaiso (Chili)


Taken by Chute & Brooks, Calle 25 de Mayo 300, Monte Video (Uruguay)
calle Florida 74, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Taken by B. F. Pease, Calle del Ucayali 20, Lima (Peru)


Taken by W. G. Lendrum, 170 Charlotte Street, Peterborough Ont (Canada)
"Mrs McArthur, next door neighbour at 11 Inveresk Road, emigrated to Canada"
Inveresk Road is in Musselburgh, Scotland.


Taken by Epstein from Minsk (Byelorussia, Belarus) who won prices in 1901 and 1903


Taken by Wasserman from Mogilev (Byelorussia, Belarus)


Taken by E. Buchwald, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Taken by Abdullah Freres, Constantinople (Turkey)


Taken by Abdullah Freres, Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)


Taken by (Francesco) Quarelli, Beyrouth (Beirut, Lebanon)


Taken by Lang & Zipser, Baden (Switzerland)


Taken by F. Solza, Rue a la gare, Lugano (Switzerland)


Taken by Fred Boissonnas, Geneve (Switzerland)


Taken by Alexander Flury, Pontresina-Engadin (Switzerland)



