Victorian CDV album
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Historical Album
made in Germany
Memorial of England's Glories
Copyright entered at stationer's Hall
- The arms of Great Britain
- The index Allegory
- The title page portraits
4. Departure of the Romans from Britain - 420
Hengist and Horsa's landing - 449
Seal of Edward the Confessor - 1042-1066
5. Battle of Hastings - coronation of Willam the Conqueror - 1066
6. Victory of Acre by Richard the Lion hearted - 1191
Henry V at Agincourt - 1415 Portrait of Henry V - 1413-1422
7. Shakespeare - Drake - Watt
8. Destruction of the Armada - 1588
Queen Elizabeth 1558-1603 and her seal
9. Cromwell taking the Oath. Decbr. 16. 1653
Duke of Marlborough 1650-1722
Medal of Merit presented to Marlborough by Prince Eugene after
the battle of Blenheim. Aug. 13. 1704
10. Battle of Plassey. June 23. 1757. Lord of Clive 1725-1774
11. General Wolfe 1726-1759 Battle of Quebec Sept. 13. 1759
Nelson 1758-1805 Nelson's death at Trafalgar Octob. 21. 1805
12. Wellington's victory at Vittoria. June 21. 1813
13. Wellington expecting Blucher at Waterloo. June 18. 1815
Portraits of Wellington. 1769-1852 and Blucher 1742-1819
14. Victoria of Balaclava Octb. 25. 1854. Lord Raglan 1788-1855
15. Meeting of Havelock, Outram and Campbell
at Lucknow Nov. 17. 1857
Portrait of General Havelock 1795-1857
16. Capture of Magdala by General
Napier. April 13. 1868
!7. Victory of Babavali Sept. 1. 1880
General Roberts * Sept 30. 1832
18. Battle of Tel el Kebir Sept. 13. 1882
General Wolseley * June 4. 1833